IHAA Grading

Erin Erickson now handles all IHAA Grading submissions.
MA3 members may grade through the IHAA for free and they may purchase a pin for $10. Non-members will pay $25 per grade with pin. Click the button below to apply for your next Grade.
The International Horseback Archery Alliance is an organization devoted to encouraging the standardization of rules and scoring systems for horseback archers around the world. The Mounted Archery Association of the Americas works very closely with the IHAA as the governing body and representative for the United States. Below you will find more information on the various options for grading and participating in postal matches through IHAA.
This grading system for assessing the skill level of horseback archers has been set up with the following aims:
To allow mounted archers to have a fixed standard with which they can compare their ability from season to season, individually or against friends, so that they can monitor their improvement and find encouragement to practice and improve.
To provide an achievable goal for anyone in the sport, from beginners to experts.
As more people enter the sport grading provides a structure by which people may be grouped in competitions, so that they are competing against opponents of similar standard, and all have a chance to win against their peers.
To allow competition organizers to identify those with sufficient ability to compete at a particular event and potentially satisfy insurers of the competence of participants.
Grade with the IHAA System
The following are the steps you will need to take to grade with IHAA:
Set up your course according to the rules and diagrams for the courses (see links for courses).
Print out your grading sheets (see links to score sheets).
Set up timers or have two people with stopwatches average your times by putting one at the start line and one at the finish, each signals when the archer begins and finishes.
Complete the number of runs required for the course(s).
Check the grading tables to see where you placed.
Student level scores only utilize target points and bonuses. Time points and deductions are not considered.
Horse Archer scores need to have time bonuses and deductions calculated into the final score.
Make a copy for your records.
Please complete grading application below.
You will be able to upload your score sheets in the online grading application.
Please include proof of payment ($10 if you would like to purchase a pin.)

Make a copy of your score sheets for your records, fill out the IHAA Grading application where you will be able to upload completed score sheets.
Erin Erickson
canter grading
There are 6 Student Levels: S1 to S6
These require a demonstration of ability in the Raid, Tower and Aussie courses listed in the grading table below. All points must be earned by hitting the target as there are no speed points. In fact, timing is not even required, but you must stay in the canter throughout.
This was designed to recognize the importance of good technique and accurate shooting as the backbone of horseback archery.
Student level 1 only requires one qualifying score sheet while S2-S6 require two qualifying score sheets.
score sheets expire after two years.
First time Student Grades will require a video submission demonstrating the ability to shoot at the canter.

There are 10 Horseback Archer Levels: HA1 to HA10
All of these require the ability to attain a set of standards in both Raid and Tower disciplines thereby testing skill in a variety of events/styles.
For all HA grades two scores must be submitted for both Raid and Tower; this introduces the requirement of consistency of performance.
First time Horse Archer grades will require a video demonstrating the ability to shoot at the canter on both the Raid and Tower courses.
When applying for certain HA grades a proportion of the scores must have been achieved in a competition:
- HA1-2 : no requirement
- HA3-4 : at least 1 Raid and 1 Tower earned in accredited competition
- HA5-10 : ALL scores must be earned in accredited competition

5 Walk/Trot Archer Levels: WT1-WT5
The IHAA Walk/Trot grades that were introduced in late 2017 are based on the Novice grading system developed by the AHAA used in Australia for several years already. The aim is to provide a framework of attainment levels for those practicing their horseback archery at walk or trot; similar to the Student and Horseback Archer grades the IHAA has run for some time for those shooting while cantering. Some scoresheets need to be updated with the new course names.
WT1 can be gained with a single score recorded at a walk. WT2-5 require 2 returns: these may be 2 walk scores (on the same or different tracks), 2 trot scores, or one of each. All scores included in an application must have been obtained within two years of the date of applications.
A lead rein may be used where necessary, though this should be indicated on the score sheet.
The grades are also open to those shooting from a carriage or cart. Please apply the same gait rules whether the equine is being ridden or driven.
The Score Sheets for Walk/Trot grading are also used to apply for a Walk/Trot grade. Just make a copy for your records then send in the original(s) to the Grading Officer.
*First time Student Grades must send a video of one run of the Raid Course demonstrating the ability to shoot at a Canter.
*First time Horse Archer Grades must send a video of one run of both the Raid and Tower Courses.
Skills Demonstration
First time Student Grades:
A. Video of one run of the Raid Course demonstrating the ability to shoot at a Canter.
First time Horse Archer Grades:
B. Video of one run of both the Raid and Tower Courses.