Judge Accreditation
MA3 has been striving to bring our national association in alignment with the IHAA. In an effort to do so, MA3 has adopted the IHAA Judges’ training and qualification system. Competitors can now be assured of high quality and uniformity in the running and judging of MA3 competitions across the United States and the World. Participants in National and International Ranking placings can be certain of the validity of results between different venues and events.

How do I get started?
Become a track marshal
must complete safe sport certification
take Track Marshal exam
Become an IHAA Level I judge
Nomination by IHAA REP
Complete IHAA learning modules
>16 years old
How do I advance my judge status?
IHAA LEVEL 2 JUDGE (straight track only)
Holds IHAA LEVEL 1 JUDGE >12 months
Completion of online learning and modules
Have run four 1* competitions
Have participated in the running of two 2* competitions (signed off by L2 JUDGE or higher)
>18 years old
Completion of online learning and modules of hunt
Have participated in running one hunt track
Level 2 judge >2 years
Nomination by IHAA REP
Completion of online learning and modules of hunt course design
Activity as level 2 Judge through two competition seasons
Within last four years ran four 2* competitions, and L3/L4 reference
>18 years old
Level 3 judge >4 years
Regularly runs 3* competitions
Nomination by three L3/L4 judges
Interview by judges panel and IHAA Level 4 judge
What is a Track Marshal?
The person who determines when the track is clear to send the next rider (the "starter")
What is a 1* Event?
local event
club competition (NOT A NATIONAL RANKING)
What is a 2* competition?
Grand Prix
IHAA affiliated
IHAA records
World Ranking
MA3 National Ranking competition
Do I need a Level 1 Judge to run a Postal or Grading?
No Judge is required
A certified Track Marshal is required to run an MA3 Chapter track, but not currently required for private or unaffiliated tracks.
Do I need a judge for a 1* Competition?
MA3 Certified Track Marshal must run the track
the track marshal is prerequisite for your Level 1 Judges Certification in the US
You CANNOT begin your Judges Certification unless you have passed your Track Marshal Exam.
Level 1 judge required (your L1 CAN be your Track Marshal; They can hold both roles)
Do I need a judge for a 2* Competition?
MA3 track Marshal required to run the tracks.
Prerequisite for L1
Level 2 Judge required.
Level 1 Judge can assist.
For more details please visit the